Medial intuitive health report

Intuitive Reading Report

Intuitive reading report consists of 4-PAGES  that describes energetic health of major organs, state of chakras, emotional field, and tears and holes in auric field.

The comprehensive medical energy diagnostics report by Alex Akselrod, Medical Intuitive Healer, helps to detect the root cause of illnesses. After you receive this report we schedule a private session to develop an individualized plan for healing, growth, and preventing future problems.

Medical Intuitive Report Description
Only information I need for medical intuitive reading is your name and a photo attached to Registration Form HERE I create a 4-PAGES REPORT with detailed information about your physical and emotional health.

1st PAGE OF REPORT: Vital Organs BioScan

I will check energy health of major organs such as liver, stomach, heart, lungs, brain, and kidneys. You will know which organs are energetically under stress and out of coherence.

2nd PAGE OF REPORT: Energy Field Alignment Scan

I determine if your emotional and mental energy fields are centered. In case of emotional or mental disbalance those fields can shift forward, back, right, or left.

3rd PAGE OF REPORT: Holes in Energy Field

I will check if your energy field is damaged around head, neck, chest, solar plexus, abdomen, reproductive system, and legs.

4th PAGE OF REPORT: Chakras Health

I will check for chakras imbalance. Individuals who experience too much stress mentally or physically may cause one of the chakras to be out of balance or blocked. If one of the energy centers is blocked then the flow of energy in human meridians, known as “Qi”, might be affected resulting in poor health. Then other chakras begin to compensate for it and either become overactive or underactive. Anything that disrupts the flow of Qi cause illness.

Are you tired of feeling drained and lacking vitality in your daily life? Have you tried various methods to improve your health and well-being, but nothing seems to work? Well, I’ve got some exciting news for you – working with an energy healer could be the solution you’ve been searching for! An energy healer is someone who can help you tap into the energetic flow within your body and harness its power to promote healing and overall well-being. By utilizing techniques such as energy reading and manipulation, an energy healer can bring balance and vitality back into your life.

One of the key benefits of working with an energy healer is the ability to receive an energy reading. Through this process, the healer can assess the current state of your energetic system and identify any blockages or imbalances that may be negatively affecting your health. By gaining insight into your energy patterns, the healer can then develop a personalized plan to address these issues and restore harmony to your body. This means that you no longer have to guess what might be causing your health concerns – the energy healer can provide you with concrete information and guidance based on their assessment.

Another exciting advantage of working with an energy healer is the potential to experience a significant boost in vitality. Our energetic systems are closely interconnected with our physical bodies, and any disruptions in our energy flow can manifest as physical ailments or low energy levels. By working with an energy healer, you can clear these energetic blockages and restore the natural flow of vitality throughout your body. Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed and energized, ready to take on the day. With the help of an energy healer, this dream can become a reality!

Furthermore, working with an energy healer can have a positive impact on your overall health. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, but sometimes they need a little extra support. Energy healing techniques can enhance your body’s natural healing abilities by promoting balance and removing obstacles in the energetic system. By addressing the root cause of your health issues at the energetic level, an energy healer can help you achieve long-lasting results. Whether you’re struggling with chronic pain, digestive problems, or emotional distress, an energy healer can provide a holistic approach to healing that encompasses both your physical and energetic well-being.

Working with an energy healer is an exciting opportunity to transform your life. Through techniques such as energy reading and manipulation, an energy healer can help you regain vitality, improve your overall health, and achieve balance in both your physical and energetic bodies. So why wait any longer? Take charge of your well-being today and embark on a journey of healing with an energy healer. You won’t regret it!

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